HQ Sample Orders - Terms and Conditions
- All sales are final. No exchanges or returns.
- Orders will be shipped out from our HQ rather than our warehouse, and so may take longer to arrive than our usual shipments. You will be sent a tracking link directly from our customer care team after it has been sent.
- The customer will be liable for shipping costs on top of the agreed product sale price as per our usual Shipping Terms & conditions.
- As per our usual shipping terms and conditions, if applicable, the customer will be liable for duties and taxes.
- The first person to send us a direct message with their email address will secure the item. This person will then be sent a link to complete payment. If this payment is not made within half hour of, we reserve the right to offer the product to the next person on the list who messaged us.
- Please note these are sample pairs, and may have very minor differences and imperfections from the released version.
If you have any questions, please drop us an email to info@dukeanddexter.com